The same goes for what you've been reading as 'security issues'. Oracle made the point that almost all of the recently discovered Java vulnerabilities involve it's use as a browser plug-in and almost none for it's use in running Java based applications on the desktop. I just thought that if I ever remove the software that requires Java, I would like to also disable Java as well if it's not necessary to have and because of the recent security issues with it. When you ran Java for OS X 2012-006, it removed the Java Preferences app, so it can no longer be used to disable Java 6. Apple has apparently made the decision not to update it for Lion/Mountain Lion users and they have disabled browser use with the XProtect system. So that's an older copy of Java SE 6, which is unsafe for browser use.
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.12-b01-434, mixed mode) When I go into terminal and type java - version, I get: